Parents' Information
Sessions / Fees / Funding
I am open to all families in our community and welcome all children from age 1 until they start school.
I run sessions term time only following local primary school holiday dates.
Full day 8.30am- 3.30pm = £42.50
Half day = 8.30am-12pm £22.50
Fees are paid in monthly advance via bank transfer or cash.
I accept all government funding for Children, please check your eligibility and see funding policy 30 hours free childcare - GOV.UK (
Please sign into your child’s online Journal for weekly observation and next steps. Tapestry - Log In (

Lunch and Snack
All children are provided a healthy mid -morning snack and mid-afternoon snack, usually fruit/raw vegetable/yogurt/savoury with a choice of milk or water. If you wish for your child to bring their own water cup/bottle from home, please feel free to do so. Children are encouraged to drink water regularly throughout their day.
All full day children must bring a healthy packed lunch from home (please see lunch policy)
Please notify Catherine of any dietary requirements.
We love going on our Rockland adventures to continue our curiosity and to make fun memories and experiences. We take regular visits to the post office, church, staithe, woodland walks, nature reserves, the park and the Play barn; even during our winter months!!
This is also a big part of the EYFS and Cultural Capital, a term used to describe the essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for success! Please leave your child a set of waterproofs and wellies so that we are prepared and comfortable for all conditions… especially for those MUDDY PUDDLES :D